Saturday, May 30, 2015

The REAL Work begins...

       Tomorrow (all y'alls tonight) we head out into the villages for church. I am super excited to see how much has changed and look forward to meeting old and making new friends. I will be teaching English tomorrow and then start teaching more next week and during VBS. Right now I am trying to figure out the lessons they have here that Wiwin normally teaches. It's pretty much a guideline and I will be working off that. The lessons for VBS are already prepared for the most part, but games and crafts still need to be figured out. But that will all come with time. I figured I can make games up as I go along. I brought beach balls that we can blow up and do games with. Or just fall back on the good old Sharks and Minnows. haha

       Currently right now I am taking care of Anna so everyone else can sleep, or rest, or study, or whatever they need to do. Anna has not been sleeping well at all during the night, which is very tiresome on Pastor Mark and Wiwin. Please pray that she will start sleeping longer periods of time so they can get the rest that they need. I have been sleeping on the couch in the living room (Thankfully I am a heavy sleeper and them coming out multiple times in the night does not even phase me) so Zachary and Oma (Wiwin's mom) can have the other room to themselves. She was more than willing to make room for me in the room, but I knew I would probably sleep better if I slept in the other room. But I was very appreciative of her willingness to open the room up. With being in the living room I get to see the sun come up every morning. Not willingly, but because I am up before 5 every morning. No specific reason on why, but just because I always am. lol It is so worth being up to see the sun rise and set every day; They are absolutely beautiful!!

            I was experiencing some homesickness earlier in the week already, but nothing that a little Skype and FaceTime with my parents, nephews, niece and sister-in-law couldn't cure. And Zachary keeps me occupied almost all day long, and when he is sleeping, I watch Anna. So keeping busy has been easy. Zachary and I have almost become inseparable already. He loves to run, laugh, watch nursery rhythms (he had them playing on my phone yesterday for almost an HOUR. I work in a day care and had never heard some of those songs), and his most favorite thing in the world right now, Thomas and Friends!

           Pastor Mark said that there had not been too much rain before I got here. It has rained every day since my being here. lol I guess I brought it from Florida and Seattle. :P But it is good to have the rain because it kinda keeps the heat down. I believe tomorrow night I saw that we are to get down to 79!! Pastor Mark said to keep an eye out on the street for the parkas in the morning. You all may laugh, but he is actually being serious. I have yet to see it though. But if I do, maybe I'll get a picture. lol

           Some of you may be wondering about my throat/stomach issues. Some things have been a little slow on going down but nothing too bad. I am so very thankful to say that everything has stayed down too! It has been a good week so far. Nothing too terribly exciting has happened yet. I don't have the nerve to go out on my own, yet. Hopefully by the time the month is up I will. The store is literally right across the street but it is the whole crossing the street thing that scares me. I've done it twice so far with Pastor Mark and Zachary and I only had an almost heart attack once.

         Well, I better head out. My buddy is awake and Thomas episode is almost over (thanks mom for the use of your Kindle, Zachary uses it almost more than me). I hope everyone in the states is doing well!

 In Christ,
Col. 3:16
 Praises: 1)My jet lag is gone already
2)The Baldwin's have made me feel more than welcome in their home
3)Zachary and Anna have both accepted me

Prayer requests: 1)Anna will start sleeping at night
 2)Pastor Mark and Wiwin to get more sleep
 3)The lessons/crafts/games to come together
 4)The ministry in the country side to go well tomorrow

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