Wednesday, June 10, 2015

week 2

          Sunday went really well for being by myself for the first time. It's so different doing all this without the help of 10 other people. Craft time is probably the hardest part; mostly because the kids all want everything we have and they want it now, before everyone else, just to make sure they get it. So handing out stickers was tricky. You have all 50+ hands in your space all at one time. But other than that, things went really smooth. We had 45 kids in 1 village and 50+ in the other. We are very thankful for those numbers and pray that there will be more for the VBS this weekend. We are expecting more and praying for the kids to be able to come out to hear about our wonderful God and the Amazing miracles He preformed. This Sunday I taught about Jesus changing the water into wine, and that will be followed with the Feeding of the 5,000, Healing of the Nobleman's son, and then Healing of Bartimaeus.
     I didn't get to ride on the back of a moto...yet. There would have been 3 people, 3 backpacks, the huge tarp for the kiddos to sit on, plus the bag filled with goodies, game stuff and craft stuff. So all that on the back of a moto just didn't sound all that safe to Pastor Mark. Lol especially since I've never been on the back of one either. But he is bound and determined to get me on one by the end of this trip! He suggested that I take a moto to the market on a Monday morning; aka rush hour through the heart of the city. Which might be fun. I would probably have a heart attack or two while on the way there and back. But it would be worth it to get to experience it. :)

   The car is finally fixed! At least it's not overheating anymore. The steering wheel is kinda at a funny angle now, but that will be fixed hopefully next week at some point. On Tuesday when Pastor Mark went to go pick up the car and it overheated before he got home, he sat at the repair shop with the owner and had the opportunity to share the gospel with him. So out of all this frustration with the car, something good has come out. A seed has been planted and now we need to pray for it to grow. And Pastor Mark is praying that he will get another opportunity to share with him. It just goes to show that no matter the circumstance, God always has a plan to work things out for His glory!!

     Wiwin and I got to talking the other day and I mentioned that I used to pay violin and how that I've been looking into maybe picking it back up. She asked why I hadn't started yet. I explained that when I played all those years ago that I rented the violin from my teacher and I haven't found one that I can afford. She immediately goes "I have one. I don't use it anymore. If you promise to start playing again, you can take it with you."  So, Emily, be prepared to help me when I get back. I have a violin for you to help me tune and all!! :)

      Anna has been doing better at night and Wiwin has been getting more sleep at night and resting in the afternoons. Zachary is a very active little boy and if you say either of the forbidden words in the house he will bug you till you take him to either of the locations. the forbidden words are playground and swimming. He loves to go out and play and just run around. He's a typical older brother and doesn't understand that Anna can't jump around and play catch yet. He's pretty rough with her, but we are working on that. I've had him sitting in my lap, My hands on his hands, and gently bouncing her in the bouncer. Hoping that he will understand that she needs to be bounced nicely and not bounced out of the bouncer. Lol

    I had the opportunity to go to Zachary's playgroup again this week. It is a blessing to get to meet these women who live here and work here and just hear about their lives. They all speak English, not all from America but one used to live in Florida. So that was cool to find out. It is fun to be around groups of little kids and just play with them. Still makes me miss my little kiddos at home, but gives a little taste of home.

     I was feeling a little under the weather for awhile and when I wasn't watching either of the kids or working on lesson/games/craft planning I was laying down. So sorry to those of you who were waiting for an update and I haven't given it to you. My bad. I'm drinking a lot more water (on top of what more I've already been drinking) hoping that it'll help me this weekend. Being in the country side for 1 day was a little rough on recovering, and we will be going out 2 days for the next 2 weeks. So pray for Pastor Mark and myself this weekend especially. Pastor Mark's shoulder is still giving him some major issues and it doesn't help that Zachary loves to play with daddy and pull on his arms and jump on him and climb on his shoulders.

   Thank you all for the prayers again. It means so much to us here and the ministry!!


1) the car seems to be fixed from overheating
2) the gospel was shared with Noel, the mechanic
3) Anna is continuing to do a little better at night
4) I'm feeling a bit better

1) The mechanic to see his need for  Christ
2) The ministry in the country side this weekend
3) health and safety as we travel to the country side in the car that was fixed and won't overheat on us.
4) Wiwin's mom's BP to remain in a good range (which has been doing better since she moved to sleeping with me in the living room and getting a full nights rest).
5) to stay hydrated.

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